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K. Albert Little
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A podcast for non-Catholics, new Catholics, or anyone interested in digging deeper into the Catholic faith. Hosted by K. Albert Little, a non-denominational Evangelical convert to Catholicism.
In this episode of The Cordial Catholic, I'm joined by my friend theologian, biblical scholar, and former Protestant pastor Dr. John Bergsma to talk about the deeply biblical roots of the Year of Jubilee.
Pope Francis has declared 2025 a ”Year of Jubilee” but what exactly does that mean? What are the ”sacred portals” opening up across Rome? What kinds of special graces are available for Catholics? And where in the world does this idea even come from?
With his deep knowledge of Scripture, his sensibilities as a Former Protestant pastor, and his incredible insights from history and the Early Church Dr. Bergsma explains everything you need to know about the Year of Jubilee, its importance, and how to explain it to your non-Catholic or new Catholics friends – or even Catholics who have been Catholic for a long, long time!
So glad to have Dr. Bergsma back on the show. So many insights in this episode.
For more from Dr. Bergsma visit his website. To check out this book Jesus and the Jubilee click here.
To purchase any of John's fine books visit the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology.
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Theme Music: ”Splendor (Intro)” by Former Ruins. Learn more at or listen on Spotify, Apple Music, and Bandcamp.
This show is brought to you in a special way by our Patreon Co-Producers. Thank you to Elli and Tom, Fr. Larry, Gina, Heather, James, Michelle, Noah, Robert, Shelby, Susanne and Victor, and William.
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