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Come see for yourself

Pat was born and raised Catholic, but never quite "owned" his faith. But in high school, he admired unique the peace and joy he saw in his some of his peers and thought, "whatever it is that they have, I want that."

This is Pat Gunning. He is the Campus Minister at the University of St. Thomas-Houston. Hear how sometimes spiritual journeys don’t involve dramatic moments or visions. Sometimes the journey involves a joyful presence, a desire for more and an understanding of peace.

Stuck at Church

Amy decided she was too smart to be Catholic. As a high school student, she thought the Church had nothing to offer her. As a college student, a chance encounter at her dorm room’s door led to her becoming stuck at the communion line. In that moment, while she was stuck, something unexpected happened.

This is Amy Auzenne. She is the Director of the Office of Evangelization and Catechesis for the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston and an alumna of the University of St. Thomas-Houston. Hear how she discovered there was only one way for her to respond to God’s undeniable love: love him back.

Learn what to do at Mass.

I was mugged by beauty

George was perfectly happy as a faithful graduate student. He was shocked when he was mugged by the beauty of ... liturgy. Absent of rational arguments – he sat with the confusion of being overcome by experience. He launched headfirst onto a path of intellectual pursuit and exploration that would define the rest of his life. And then, the decision came.

This is Dr. George Harne. He is the president of Christendom College and former Executive Dean of Arts and Sciences at University of St. Thomas-Houston. After a path marked by humility and grace, he was accosted by a beautiful new way to grow closer to Jesus.

Read the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Read the Documents of the Second Vatican Council (Vatican II).

I met some mothers… that’s when I understood the difference…

Melynda admits it. She joined the Catholic Church because she was pregnant (and her husband was already Catholic). But then, through the kindness and openness of a group of mothers at her church, Melynda came to know the love of Jesus in the Eucharist.

This is Melynda Ludwick. She is the First Lady at the University of St. Thomas – Houston. Hear her conversion story and the depth of joy she experiences in the Lord.

I didn’t want to go but it changed my life

Abi was merely going through the motions. Reluctant to step into that space, little did she know her life would be changed forever.

Check out the debut episode of MAX Stories.

This is Abi Bielstein. She works in Campus Ministry at the University of St. Thomas – Houston. Prepare to hear her powerful story of navigating tragedy and profound transformation through the power of the Eucharist.
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