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The Art of Serving the Deaf Community w/ Fr. Sean Loomis | Understanding Our Apostolic Age
Fr. Sean Loomis shares how he came to learn American Sign Language in seminary and serve the Deaf community. He explains the value of understanding and participating in their language and culture.
Accompanying Parents Through Loss w/ Kelly Breaux | Understanding our Apostolic Age
Kelly Breaux, founder of Red Bird Ministries, trains others, priests and lay alike, to accompany families through the struggles that come with miscarriage and loss of a child. She shares how her own loss shapes her work.
What Does it Mean to Live in an Apostolic Age w/ Jason Simon | Understanding Our Apostolic Age
We attended The Evangelical Catholic’s Conference: Priests for An Apostolic Age in Dallas and asked experts what it means to live in an apostolic age and how we “Go Out” and reach people for Christ.
The New Evangelization and New Media Series
Award-winning video series in collaboration with Word On Fire Institute.