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We are Reverse Missionaries, journeying to find Christ in others and sharing their stories. Our goal is to bring you fresh monthly content and conversations, all through a Catholic lens.

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Deacon Michael Halbrook_Nick Meyer

Masculinity & Evangelization w/ Dcn. Michael Halbrook & Nick Meyer | Understanding Our Apostolic Age

Every year, in the 90 days leading up to Easter, Deacon Michael Halbrook and Nick Meyer, with Exodus, invite Catholic men across the world to deepen their spiritual life by participating in a challenge, Exodus 90.

Sam Mazzarelli

The Beam in Our Eye w/ Sam Mazzarelli | Understanding our Apostolic Age

Sam Mazzarelli, with Catholic Leadership Institute, works with parishes to identify their blind spots and help them better serve their community while preparing them to serve others. He shares the value of this data in evangelization.

Fr. Sean Loomis

The Art of Serving the Deaf Community w/ Fr. Sean Loomis | Understanding Our Apostolic Age

Fr. Sean Loomis shares how he came to learn American Sign Language in seminary and serve the Deaf community. He explains the value of understanding and participating in their language and culture.



A UST video series that aims to inspire, encourage and urge students to “Be Your Bold Self”.

MAX Stories

A storytelling series of people who share their experiences of faith and culture.

MAX Music

A series that features musicians sharing their spiritual journey through song and conversation.

National Eucharistic Revival

A social media series sharing Catholic tradition, biblical connections and personal stories about the Eucharist.

The New Evangelization and New Media Series

Award-winning video series in collaboration with Word On Fire Institute.

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