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Climate Change: From Oregon to Texas

The whole world is experiencing extreme weather-related disasters. In this episode of The Rundown, Bridget Richardson focuses in on Oregon's most recent heat wave and the freeze that hit Texas in February 2021 through the eyes of Catholic Charities. She talks with Jennifer Masotja, Director of Disaster Services with Catholic Charities Oregon, and Cynthia Colbert, President, CEO of Catholic Charities in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston.

They discuss the major population shifts that climate change causes, how it affects the most vulnerable among us and how we're all called to respond. They also take a look at "Laudato Si," Pope Francis' encyclical letter on care for our common home.

Catholic Charities Oregon

Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston

Pope Francis: Laudato Si

News Clips:

Portland Heat Wave

Bootleg Fire in Oregon

The Oregon Eagle Creek Fire | Topic

After the Fire: Part 1 — Eagle Creek Fire Explainer

Scenes From the Deep Freeze in Texas

No surprise: Nuns are taking the lead in putting ‘Laudato Si’’ into action

Dorothy Photo: Insomnia Cured Here - The Wizard of Oz (1939)

Stock Images and Clips


Episode 5: Self-Awareness w/ Leah Darrow

In this episode, host Bridget Richardson takes us through the ups and downs of being self-aware in our relationships. Catholic Speaker and Author Leah Darrow stops by to explain the nugget of wisdom about self-awareness that was given to her when she was single and dating. She explains how it has carried her through her life and how it calls us to mission in bringing forth the kingdom of God. We also hear from Larry Freeney with the Rejoice Counseling Apostolate who helps us understand why it's important to love who we are and what we have to offer others.

Leah Darrow

Leah Darrow on Instagram

Catechism of the Catholic Church - 2441

Ecclesiam Suam - Encyclical of Pope Paul VI on the Church

Romans 12:2

Psalm 25

Clueless Clip

Carl Jung

Rejoice Counseling Apostolate

Rejoice Counseling: Meet Larry

“The Four Loves” by C.S. Lewis

Self Encounter & Self Love | Nesti Center for Faith and Culture

In this special, Leah Darrow shares her thoughts about self-awareness and how it impacts our view of ourselves and, more importantly, the Church in the world. She discusses her own journey and lessons she has learned through her work of self-awareness.

About Leah (from her website):
A former model on reality TV, I experienced a life-changing conversion back to the Catholic faith. I have a driving passion to lead and inspire women to embrace the mercy of Christ in their lives. Through speaking engagements, my book, the Lux App & Lux University, I have created a beautiful sisterhood of incredible women who are striving to be a light in this world.

E4 Short: Awkward Small Talk

In this Agape & Eros Short, we hear directly from Rejoice Counseling Apostolate Counselor Larry Freeney about awkward small talk. He gives us some tips about how to make small talk less awkward and dive into more rich conversation.

Helpful Links:

Rejoice Counseling

Rejoice Counseling: Meet Larry

Amoris Laetitia: Pope Francis 

Why is small talk so excruciating? 

“The Four Loves” by C.S. Lewis

Not Born to Hate – Part 2

A continuation of our Not Born to Hate series, Brianna Amaya, a middle school religion teacher and graduate student, sits down to talk with a her former professor and dear friend, Fr. Dempsey Rosales Acosta, a Theology professor at the University of St. Thomas.

Together they share their experiences of faith, education and discrimination and articulate why it is hope - trust in God's divine will - that will allow us to grow and become the people God is calling us to be. Not Born to Hate is video series that seeks to examine race, racism and culture in America, provide an understanding of how we arrived at our present situation as a society and offer a sense of hope for our collective future.

Watch part 1 of Not Born to Hate here: Ep. 1 Not Born to Hate - Student Panel

E3 Short: First Impressions

In this Agape & Eros Short, we hear directly from Rejoice Counseling Apostolate Counselor Larry Freeney about first impressions. He shows us how we can interpret first impressions and how we evaluate them cognitively later.


Helpful Links:

Rejoice Counseling

Rejoice Counseling: Meet Larry

“The Four Loves” by C.S. Lewis

Gaming and the Gospel

In this episode of The Rundown, host Bridget Richardson talked with Jonathan “Bearded Blevins,” partnered streamer and Catholic Director of Evangelization at Saint James Parish in Arlington Heights, Ill.

They discuss how Bearded Blevins began streaming part time because of the encouragement of his brother Tyler, or Ninja, who is one of the most famous streamers in the world.

A husband, father and former youth minister, Bearded Blevins shares how he tries to spread the Gospel message in his stream, the importance of positive online and in-person communities and why the new eSports degree at University of St. Thomas can truly change the world.

BeardedBlevins - Twitch 

Super Squares 

eSports at UST 

Bearded Blevins Fortnite Stream Aims to Change the World 

Saint James Parish, Arlington Heights, IL

Living The Stream: ESPN the Magazine 

The Real St. Patrick

Host Bridget Richardson has a conversation with documentary filmmakers David and Kathi Peters with Global Story Films. In anticipation of St. Patrick's Day, they discuss their film, "St. Patrick: Pilgrimage to Peace" and how St. Patrick can be a model for peacemaking and love.


Global Story Films - Feature-length Documentaries

St. Patrick: Pilgrimage to Peace - Amazon Prime 

University of St. Thomas Center for Irish Studies

E2: Dating Hacks

First dates can be tricky and dating culture in the United States leaves people unsatisfied and longing for true connection. Host Bridget Richardson dives into a reflection on dating through the eyes of Kayla Garza, who shares an experience of a blind date gone wrong. Rejoice Counselor Larry Freeney offers some helpful advice to help people have better dates while intentionally seeking someone to enjoy life with for the long haul.


Helpful Links:

Key takeaways on Americans’ views of and experiences with dating and relationships: Pew Research Center

Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium: Pope Francis

101 Dating Ideas: University of Florida’s Department of Family, Youth, and Community Sciences

Houston Axe Throwing

The Best Cheap and Free Dates in Houston and the Surrounding Area: Houston on the Cheap

3 Times Dating Seemed Intentional But Really Isn’t: Verily 

Rejoice Counseling

Rejoice Counseling: Meet Larry

“The Four Loves” by C.S. Lewis

Politics and the Catholic Voice

Dr. Daniel Burns, Interim Associate Dean of the Constatin College of Liberal Arts and Associate Professor with the Politics Department at University of Dallas, talks with Host Bridget Richardson about politics and the Catholic voice. Dr. Burns discusses how neither of our two parties fits neatly into a Catholic worldview, the difference between the role of the bishops and the laity in partisanship, the abortion issue and active citizenship, the difference between Catholic parishes and Catholic universities and understanding our higher calling as Christians.


Social Media and Authentic Connection

Katie Villarreal, Coordinator of Youth Ministry at St. Faustina Catholic Church in Fulshear, joins host Bridget Richardson to discuss social media and how we can use it as a tool for evangelization. They discuss true discipleship and how one’s social media presence can help, or hurt, the Catholic Christian mission in a digital space. Katie shares about our ultimate allegiance in Christ and being aware of what’s going on in the culture while recognizing we are made in the image of God.


Helpful Links:

“Social media and the universal call to communion” Texas Catholic Herald

St. Faustina Catholic Church

“Sollicitudo Rei Socialis” (1987) St. John Paul II
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