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The Uniqueness of Catholic Education w/ Mary Pat Donoghue

Mary Pat Donoghue has traveled the nation telling people about Catholic education and learning more about how Catholic education works in all walks of life.

In this interview, Mary Pat Donoghue, Executive Director of the Secretariat of Catholic Education for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), talks with Dr. Richard Ludwick, president of University of St. Thomas-Houston. They talk about Mary Pat's path to the USCCB and the importance of telling children who they are in God's eyes to give them hope for the future. They discuss the importance of developing the human person through Catholic education and what's up next for the Secretariat.

This interview took place at the Duc In Altum Summit in October 2023 at Catholic University of America in Washington D.C. Duc In Altum Schools Collaborative, an association of Catholic schools striving for a faith-centered culture, offers an annual summit for professional development for Catholic school and diocesan leaders.

Learn more about Mary Pat.

Learn more about University of St. Thomas.

Zealous without being Zealots w/ Bishop Thomas Daly

In this special interview from the 2023 Duc In Altum Summit, Bishop Thomas Daly shares his path to where he is today as the Chairman of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Committee on Catholic Education.

Dr. Richard Ludwick, president of University of St. Thomas-Houston, and Bishop Daly, bishop in the Diocese of Spokane, Wash., discuss why Catholic education is crucial for Catholics and the wider world. Bishop Daly describes Catholic school as "essential" in this day and age and shares how Catholics can be "zealous without being zealots."

This interview took place at the Duc In Altum Summit in October 2023 at Catholic University of America in Washington D.C. Duc In Altum Schools Collaborative, an association of Catholic schools striving for a faith-centered culture, offers an annual summit for professional development for Catholic school and diocesan leaders.

Learn more about Bishop Daly.

Learn more about the USCCB Committee on Catholic education.

Learn more about University of St. Thomas-Houston.

Forever Love: Julia Dezelski

From Julia Dezelski's vantage point, while the U.S. is very different state to state, the challenges and opportunities facing marriages are the same.

Julia Dezelski, Assistant Director for Marriage, Family and Laity at United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), sits down with Darnell Miller, Creative Director of MAX Studios at University of St. Thomas-Houston, to discuss the Marriage Catechumenate Summit and the state of marriage in the U.S. Julia shares how she thinks the foundation of revitalizing marriage in the U.S. begins with children and the family, and how the bishops support and challenge the laity to be advocates for this special vocation.

This interview is bonus content from the Marriage Catechumenate Summit that took place at Circle Lake Retreat Center near Houston, Texas in June 2023. This continues a series of interviews with Catholic marriage experts in North America who attended the summit. A mini-documentary of the summit will be released at the end of the interview series.


USCCB COMMITTEE: Laity, Marriage, Family Life, & Youth

Called to the Joy of Love: National Pastoral Framework for Marriage and Family Life Ministry

Catechumenal Pathways for Married Life

First African-American Cardinal

Larry Payne sits down with Herb Johnson, Director, Security Management Institute, Office of Graduate and Professional Studies, John Jay College of Criminal Justice and former Executive Director, Catholic Interracial Council of New York, to discuss the elevation of Wilton Cardinal D. Gregory, the first African-American cardinal, the black experience in the Catholic Church and signs of hope for the future.


Helpful Links:

Wilton Cardinal D. Gregory

The Doctrine of Discovery

The National Black Catholic Congress

Catholic News Service: "Black Catholics rejoice with elevation of first African American cardinal"

Opening Your Heart

Larry Payne sits down with Amy Auzenne, Pastoral Associate for Evangelization and Formation at St. Ignatius of Loyola Catholic Church in Spring, TX, to discuss the USCCB document Open Wide Our Hearts and talk about how her suburban community at St. Ignatius is opening themselves to encounter - learning to see, hear and love their neighbor.

Vote with Your Conscience

Alex Yemeck sits down with Dr. Stuart Squires, Assistant Director of the Nesti Center for Faith and Culture, and asks questions prompted by his "How Catholic Should Vote" lecture where he examined the USCCB document "Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship." Squires deep-dives into the limitations of a two party system, what the separation of Church and State means, and how Catholic can ban together to demand candidates who better reflect their worldview.
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