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Toxic Relationships | The Real Reel

In this first episode of our new series, The Real Reel, we asked about toxic relationships. Hear University of St. Thomas-Houston students talk about their relationships and how they would counsel a friend to work through a toxic relationship.

At the end, you'll hear from Licensed Professional Counselor, Larry Freeney, with Rejoice Counseling Apostolate, who will give you some tips for working through a toxic relationship or getting out all together.

The Real Reel is an Instagram Reel series where UST students weigh in on various topics. We'll create a video mashup for YouTube. Visit MAX Studios on Instagram for all the reels, @maxstudiosust.


Rejoice Counseling Apostolate

Rejoice Counseling: Meet Larry

UST Counseling and Wellness Services

“The Four Loves” by C.S. Lewis

Episode 10: Challenging Friendships

Question three in this edition of Agape & Eros live. The first one was warning signs, the second on boundaries with parents, and now it's on the question 3.

In this episode, the experts discuss challenging friendships and how you support someone who you know is making bad choices - that may affect you.

Thanks to our experts: Larry Freeney with Rejoice Counseling Apostolate, Avanti Bande with the UST Office of Counseling and Wellness Services, and David Hao with UST Student Affairs.


Rejoice Counseling Apostolate

Rejoice Counseling: Meet Larry

“The Four Loves” by C.S. Lewis

Episode 9: Boundaries with Parents

For the next few episodes of Agape & Eros, we're going live. We hosted a live event with our University of St. Thomas students led by counselors and campus leader. We let the students ask the questions. The first one was warning signs, and now it's on the question 2.

Question 2: How would you address boundaries with parents without being disrespectful when they think you are making the wrong decision?

Thanks to our experts: Larry Freeney with Rejoice Counseling Apostolate, Avanti Bande with the UST Office of Counseling and Wellness Services, and David Hao with UST Student Affairs.

Never Split the Difference: Negotiating as if Your Life Depended on It By Chris Voss

UST Counseling Services

Rejoice Counseling Apostolate

Rejoice Counseling: Meet Larry

“The Four Loves” by C.S. Lewis

Episode 8: Warning Signs

For the next few episodes of Agape & Eros, we're going live. We hosted a live event with our University of St. Thomas students led by counselors and campus leader. We let the students ask the questions.

Question 1: How do you approach warning signs in a relationship?

Thanks to our experts: Larry Freeney with Rejoice Counseling Apostolate, Avanti Bande with the UST Office of Counseling and Wellness Services, and David Hao with UST Student Affairs.

Each episode will feature one question, so we hope you gain some information, valuable knowledge and enjoy the conversation.

UST Counseling Services

Rejoice Counseling Apostolate

Rejoice Counseling: Meet Larry

“The Four Loves” by C.S. Lewis

Episode 7: Mentorship

Mentors can help shape your vision of yourself in the world and offer valuable guidance for understanding how to navigate your work, studies or life in general.

We interviewed several University of St. Thomas student and asked them about their mentors. We’ll also hear from Counselor Larry Freeney, with Rejoice Counseling Apostolate, as he describes the value of a mentor relationship.

“Created for Greatness” by Alexandre Havard | Goodreads

1 Timothy 4:12

Rejoice Counseling Apostolate

Rejoice Counseling: Meet Larry

“The Four Loves” by C.S. Lewis

Episode 6: Romantic Comedies

Romantic comedies are the best and we were so intrigued if others felt the same way. This year, we sponsored Café Catholica in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston and asked young adults about their favorite Rom-Coms.

We’ll also get some insight into why we love romantic comedies from Counselor Larry Freeney with Rejoice Counseling Apostolate. If you love a good Rom-Com, check out this episode of Agape & Eros.

Café Catholica – Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston

Café Catholica – July 12, 2021

Definition of Romantic Comedy

Fratelli Tutti - Pope Francis

Rejoice Counseling Apostolate

Rejoice Counseling: Meet Larry

Karol Wojtyła - Love and Responsibility 

“The Four Loves” by C.S. Lewis

Episode 5: Self-Awareness w/ Leah Darrow

In this episode, host Bridget Richardson takes us through the ups and downs of being self-aware in our relationships. Catholic Speaker and Author Leah Darrow stops by to explain the nugget of wisdom about self-awareness that was given to her when she was single and dating. She explains how it has carried her through her life and how it calls us to mission in bringing forth the kingdom of God. We also hear from Larry Freeney with the Rejoice Counseling Apostolate who helps us understand why it's important to love who we are and what we have to offer others.

Leah Darrow

Leah Darrow on Instagram

Catechism of the Catholic Church - 2441

Ecclesiam Suam - Encyclical of Pope Paul VI on the Church

Romans 12:2

Psalm 25

Clueless Clip

Carl Jung

Rejoice Counseling Apostolate

Rejoice Counseling: Meet Larry

“The Four Loves” by C.S. Lewis

Self Encounter & Self Love | Nesti Center for Faith and Culture

In this special, Leah Darrow shares her thoughts about self-awareness and how it impacts our view of ourselves and, more importantly, the Church in the world. She discusses her own journey and lessons she has learned through her work of self-awareness.

About Leah (from her website):
A former model on reality TV, I experienced a life-changing conversion back to the Catholic faith. I have a driving passion to lead and inspire women to embrace the mercy of Christ in their lives. Through speaking engagements, my book, the Lux App & Lux University, I have created a beautiful sisterhood of incredible women who are striving to be a light in this world.

E4 Short: Awkward Small Talk

In this Agape & Eros Short, we hear directly from Rejoice Counseling Apostolate Counselor Larry Freeney about awkward small talk. He gives us some tips about how to make small talk less awkward and dive into more rich conversation.

Helpful Links:

Rejoice Counseling

Rejoice Counseling: Meet Larry

Amoris Laetitia: Pope Francis 

Why is small talk so excruciating? 

“The Four Loves” by C.S. Lewis

E3 Short: First Impressions

In this Agape & Eros Short, we hear directly from Rejoice Counseling Apostolate Counselor Larry Freeney about first impressions. He shows us how we can interpret first impressions and how we evaluate them cognitively later.


Helpful Links:

Rejoice Counseling

Rejoice Counseling: Meet Larry

“The Four Loves” by C.S. Lewis

E2: Dating Hacks

First dates can be tricky and dating culture in the United States leaves people unsatisfied and longing for true connection. Host Bridget Richardson dives into a reflection on dating through the eyes of Kayla Garza, who shares an experience of a blind date gone wrong. Rejoice Counselor Larry Freeney offers some helpful advice to help people have better dates while intentionally seeking someone to enjoy life with for the long haul.


Helpful Links:

Key takeaways on Americans’ views of and experiences with dating and relationships: Pew Research Center

Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium: Pope Francis

101 Dating Ideas: University of Florida’s Department of Family, Youth, and Community Sciences

Houston Axe Throwing

The Best Cheap and Free Dates in Houston and the Surrounding Area: Houston on the Cheap

3 Times Dating Seemed Intentional But Really Isn’t: Verily 

Rejoice Counseling

Rejoice Counseling: Meet Larry

“The Four Loves” by C.S. Lewis
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